I really hate the word "blog". I hated it the first time I heard it, and the fact that it has caught on kills me a little more every day. According to Wikipedia, the forsaken word was derived from the term "web log". That isn't exactly a mouthful, thus I am baffled as to why some enterprising individual decided it would be fun to make it two letter shorter. The above instance is the only time you will see me type that word, unless I am quoting or posting a link.
The last time I tried to keep an online journal was in high school and in college, where it inevitably became a repository for song lyric posts and passive aggressive snipes at whichever person I was quarreling with on a particular day. I am trying to avoid this fate here. The purpose of this journal is to start discussion and serve as a sounding board for my ideas, thoughts, musings, rants, etc. Above all, I want to learn from this experience and create something memorable.
That said, I am mindful that the success of this journal depends on input from others, and that the contents are public, which compels me in some way to keep it interesting. Feel free to message or e-mail me if you come across any news or comment that you found worth reading.
While the fact that it's public motivates you to keep it interesting, hopefully that fact also motivates you to watch what you post.